Family Swim

Pool Closed Until Further Notice

  • family


PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to protect the community from the rapid spread of COVID-19, EmBe is making changes to services effectively immediately, Friday, March 13, 2020. All public programs will not be held through Sunday, March 29, 2020.

*UPDATED MARCH 30, 2020*

At the heart of the EmBe mission is serving all of you, and EmBe places your health and safety at the top of their priorities. Program scheduling will be updated regularly on Mondays and Thursdays as new information and direction comes to light.

Please refer to the EmBe website for more information. If you have any questions, contact

During the school year EmBe offers family swim most Saturday afternoons from September to May. (Please refer to the online pool calendar to verify family swim is being offered.)

You must be 14 years or older to attend family swim without an adult. Lifeguard is on duty for family swim. There is no family swim during the summer months.  Non-members must provide their own towel.