DTSF Member Benefits

The DTSF Difference

Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc. leads the charge in creating one of the most engaging downtowns in America. It takes all of us to make that happen though. Together, we are building a stronger downtown for Sioux Falls and beyond by connecting, growing, and celebrating our downtown. Here is how…

  • Membership Newsletters provides important member information on a monthly basis.
  • Community Newsletters hit over 10,000 of inboxes monthly with your news, events, and promotions.
  • DTSF Forums are panel discussions that take a deep dive into topics concerning downtown, and occur the second Tuesday of the quarter.
  • DTSF Neighborhood Tours give a behind-the-scenes look at the businesses and properties that make downtown unique. Members learn powerful inside information to share with others.
  • DTSF’s Business Members group on Facebook is a great place to connect with others online.
  • DTSF Committees and Councils allow members to contribute to the direction of DTSF.


  • Events and promotions draw customers to downtown. Participating members gain exposure through the social media, local media, and DTSF Digital Passport.
  • DTSF.com has over one million visitors a year checking out events, the business directory, property listings, and more. Members provide the updates. We shout from the mountain tops.
  • DTSF Gift Cards market downtown and drive customers to your business.
  • DTSF’s social media expands your reach when you add us as a co-host to your Facebook events.
  • Sponsorships for events and promotions provide great exposure to businesses.
  • Vendor opportunities at DTSF events, like Riverfest, are a great way to spotlight your business.
  • DTSF provides valuable market data about growth trends and pedestrian patterns.

  • DTSF’s Annual Meeting is an opportunity to connect with members, reflect on the successes of the past year, and look ahead at what is to come for downtown.
  • DTSF spotlights our members on social media, radio, and television, to share their stories and give kudos when possible.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Membership Coordinator, Charlee Riker, at charlee@dtsf.com or by calling our office at 605-338-4009.