Downtown Sioux Falls

Downtown Plans

Retail Report

Downtown Sioux Falls’ Retail Strategy outlines a vision for a vibrant, experience-driven shopping district that capitalizes on independent merchants, a unique sense of place, and a growing consumer base. The plan focuses on enhancing retail demand, fostering pedestrian-friendly environments, and implementing strategic policies to support business growth and urban connectivity.

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2035 Downtown Plan

To effectively prepare for and maintain the upward growth trajectory of Downtown, the City is updating its 2025 Downtown Plan, by creating a new vision with the horizon year of 2035. The need to update the plan is driven by significant development and achievements met under the previous plan.

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Downtown Market Study

This study summarizes the market conditions and development potentials for Downtown Sioux Falls based on data analysis and interviews conducted in early 2014. The report is intended to serve as a framework and guide for the development of the Downtown Master Plan.

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Downtown Streetscape Assessment

To continue the vision and shape the future of Downtown Sioux Falls, this plan’s intent is to provide the City of Sioux Falls with a streetscape assessment and a basis to create future planning standards for the public Right-of-Way within the downtown area.

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Falls Park West Master Plan

These designs for Falls Park West (the Sioux Falls Levitt Shell and more) were developed by Sink Combs Dethlefs Architectural Design.

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Greenway & Riverfront Master Plan

The City of Sioux Falls along with Forward Sioux Falls partnered to develop this Greenway and Riverfront Master Plan for the 26-mile project area. Two additional groups, a board of advisors and a technical committee, were assembled to help give community insight and technical direction to the plan.

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Rail Yard Development Plan

The Sioux Falls rail yard redevelopment area represents a tremendous opportunity to develop an urban project that pulses with life on a strategically located site in the heart of the city; and to build a bridge that binds two Sioux Falls’ areas—the downtown and Whittier neighborhood—together.

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Walker Parking Study

The primary focus of this analysis is to evaluate and recommend a pricing strategy that helps optimize the use of the public parking system and provides the Parking Enterprise Fund with sufficient revenue to meet its current and future operating and capital requirements.

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