Main Street Business Improvement District (BID) &
Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc. (DTSF)
Winter 2022 Event Grant Program
Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc. (DTSF) leads the downtown community by championing diverse experiences, economic growth, and a healthy environment. We plan and support events that promote Downtown, collaborating with organizations to advance its vitality.
As a way to promote activities in the winter months, DTSF and BID have collaborated to provide a $5,000 grant to an organization that meets the qualifications to execute a winter event based on the criteria below.
Criteria for Sponsorship:
- Event/s shall be held entirely within the Downtown District (map).
- New and emerging events downtown will be given priority for funding.
- Grant funds may be obtained for annual traditions or events that have broad popularity and attract a diverse audience if the funding is used to expand or improve the event, or to reach new patrons.
- Events that benefit and bring economic impact to downtown businesses will be given higher priority.
- Event will take place between January 1 and March 1, 2022.
- Event must be open to the public.
- The applicant must cooperate with all rules and regulations including city permits, insurance requirements and law enforcement.
- Event must be open to all ages.
- Grant funds will be paid out following proof of expenditures made.
- Grant funds shall not be used to pay salaries.
- Grant funds shall not be used for political or religious events.
If approved, the sponsored organization may receive promotional support in our e-newsletter, social media and other resources in addition to our contribution. We can also offer advice for obtaining permits, security, site selection, and basic logistics. The Main Street Business Improvement District reserves the right to withhold funding for non-compliance of the above criteria.
Approval Process: Applications are accepted from September 7 to September 24, 2021. All requests for funds are considered and reviewed by a committee made up of BID Board Members, DTSF Board Members, DTSF staff and City of Sioux Falls staff. Applicants will be notified by October 4, 2021 with approval or denial or your submission.
If approved, a Final Grant Report shall be submitted within 60 days after the event date. Final Reports must include documented recap of the project, approved invoices/receipts for reimbursement and evidence of proper crediting of DTSF/BID. Final payment will be sent upon receipt of the final grant report.
Disclaimer: By accepting our sponsorship for this event, your organization will agree to consider Downtown vendors. We do not require the use of local vendors in every case. However, supporting these vendors will influence our level of support for your event. We are not responsible for selecting participating organizations, performers, businesses, or vendors. This is the sole responsibility of event organizers and promoters. We may seek to recover grant funds or withhold final payment if funds are misused. The committee has the right to not approve any grant submission if all criteria are not met.