Dtsf Signature Event
15 Aug

2020 Downtown Riverfest

2020 Riverfest Is Canceled


2020 Downtown Riverfest Canceled

Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc. (DTSF) has canceled the 2020 Downtown Riverfest scheduled for August 15 due to several logistical challenges related to COVID-19.

“Given the logistical challenges presented by the constraints of the site, and the potential health and safety risks, it doesn’t make sense to host Riverfest this year. Sarah Lovre, DTSF’s Event Coordinator, has done a fantastic job adapting our smaller events to the challenging circumstances presented by COVID-19. Moonlight Movies and East Bank Block Parties will continue as planned. Riverfest just isn’t possible this year, however.”
—Joe Batcheller, DTSF President

In lieu of Riverfest, the decision was made to create another opportunity to support the downtown community with the inaugural DTSF Gift Box promotion that will take place September through November.

The 8th Annual Downtown Riverfest is scheduled for August 21, 2021.