27 Nov

Jingle Bell Run 2021


Jingle Bell Run 2021This is the time to strut your stuff in your favorite holiday costume and Feel Good about Doing Good.

Together, with the Arthritis Foundation, jingle all the way to a cure for the over 150,000 South Dakotans, 54 million adults, and 300,000 children in the United States living with arthritis. And have a fantastic time with every step you take!

Bring a team of friends, family, and co-workers to run or walk. Get your jingle on and spread the Spirit of Yes: Yes to having fun and celebrating what you love. Yes to living life to the fullest. Yes to conquering arthritis for good.

100% of your registration fee and fundraising goes to a great cause. This is our fight to win together!

Find the registration fees at the ticket link above.

The Arthritis Foundation’s mission is to boldly pursue a cure for America’s #1 cause of disability, while championing the fight against arthritis with life-changing resources, science, advocacy and community connections. Nationwide for 70 years, in ONE community after another, the Arthritis Foundation has taken colossal steps to conquer this crippling disease.