
Based on the beloved movie, LEGALLY BLONDE – THE MUSICAL follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, sexism, snobbery and scandal in pursuit of her dreams, and proves that you can be BOTH legally blonde AND the smartest person in the room.

Elle Woods appears to have it all. Her life is turned upside down, however, when her boyfriend dumps her so he can start getting more serious about his life and attend Harvard Law. Determined to get him back, Elle uses her ingenuity and charm to get into Harvard, too. School begins with endless struggles, but with the help of her new friends, Elle quickly realizes her potential, and her true assets, as she sets out to prove herself to the world and make everyone a believer. This contemporary, sassy musical moves at a breakneck pace driven by memorable songs and explosive dances. LEGALLY BLONDE – THE MUSICAL warms the heart by proving that self-discovery never goes out of style.

LEGALLY BLONDE – THE MUSICAL is recommended for ages 10 and older.

Washington Pavilion Management, Inc. considers parents/guardians to be the best decision-makers on what is appropriate for their children and families.

Programs, dates, times and prices subject to change. All attendees regardless of age must purchase a ticket unless otherwise noted.