03 Oct

Women on the Prairie Virtual Conference

Online Event


Women on the Prairie virtual conferenceThe Presentation Sisters are excited to announce that Kindness Champion, Nicole Phillips, will be the featured presenter for the Virtual Women on the Prairie Conference.

In today’s world, we often think of kindness as something that flows from our surplus: our extra time, extra energy, or extra resources, leaving us to ask, “How can I possibly give to others when I don’t have enough for myself?”

Through Nicole’s presentation, “Kindness is Contagious…Are You Catching It?” she explores the chain reaction that happens within our bodies when we lead with kindness. While it seems like it should be entirely altruistic, study after study proves that the greatest benefits of kindness are actually in store for the giver.

This online/virtual event will be held via Zoom Conferencing. Registration fee is $15 and scholarships are available. Contact Barb Grosz at 605-229-8391 or email bgrosz@presentationsisters.org for more information regarding the upcoming conference.

Register at the ticket link above to reserve your spot.

You will not want to miss this amazing event!

Click here to download and share the event flyer.